The Jersey Devil
From the East Coast of the United States comes one of the most fascinating and frightening of all the world’s animals unknown to science. More than a hundred people claim to have seen him as he has terrorized towns and caused schools and factories to close down. Some claim he is simply a mythical beast born of local superstitions and folklore others say the weight of evidence is just too great to dismiss the existence of an animal or a supernatural being that has become known as the Jersey Devil The Pine Barrens of New Jersey where this animal has been sighted offers the perfect setting for such a mystery. With its eerie marshes and rambling old houses, it is easy to think of the supernatural. There has always been many a tale of how the Jersey Devil was born although shrouded in mystery as it is hard to work out where history ends and folklore begins; in each case it is said to be a woman who gave birth to the beast. The most common story of this occurrence was a woman call...